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AMMO MIG - F-16 Fighting Falcon / VIPER. Visual Modelers Guide Multilingüal (Eng, Spa, Ita), 6029

  • AMMO MIG - F-16 Fighting Falcon / VIPER. Visual Modelers Guide Multilingüal (Eng, Spa, Ita), 6029

    Kodas: AMIG6029
    Kaina 1521  su PVM

    Pirkdami galite gauti 380,25 taškų.
  • The F-16 is one of the most successful and mass-produced modern US military aircraft in service. More than 4,600 units in numerous variants have been delivered, and it is currently in service of the US and 25 other nations. This Visual Guide references the most important and lesser-known details of this iconic multi-role fighter aircraft in full detail.

    A compilation of detailed photographs shows the most important and undocumented details of this fascinating subject. This title includes a photo reference guide for both internal and external details including the cockpit, engine compartment and landing gear, and the often-overlooked external details features. Enjoy this fun and easy to use referenced resource book to analyze the interior and exterior details of the aircraft through large, high-quality photographs and detailed captions. Also included for modellers are examples of aircraft used by the various F-16 nations including the U.S., Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Chile, Turkey, Belgium, Poland, the UAE, and Greece. 

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