AMMO MIG - GRAVITY 2.1 - Sci-Fi Modelling's Perfect Guide - 1980's Part 12: Villains (English), 6101
AMMO MIG - GRAVITY 2.1 - Sci-Fi Modelling's Perfect Guide - 1980's Part 12: Villains (English), 6101
Артикул: AMIG6101Цена 2998 € с НДСДанный товар есть в наличии.При покупке вы можете получить 374,75 бонусных балла.Производитель-
From the purest 80's comes this new installment of the Gravity Sci-Fi series. And it comes loaded with negative energy, as in this new issue you'll find the ships and vehicles of our favourite villains, the bad guys of the movies. From Star Trek to Robocop, the omnipresent Star Wars saga, classics like V and Terminator among other great hits of this prodigious decade, action for all tastes!
Again, from the hand of some of the best modellers out there, you will find in this new step-by-step format a number of highly comprehensive assembly, painting and weathering examples of your favourite ships and vehicles, with a multitude of photos and precise descriptions of the processes to achieve a perfect finish. And, as always in this saga, interesting and fun info and facts about everything that surrounded the movies and the filming itself in order to put the subjects in context.
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