AMMO MIG - The Weathering Aircraft 12. Winter (English), 5212
AMMO MIG - The Weathering Aircraft 12. Winter (English), 5212
Артикул: AMIG5212Производитель-
В этом журнале о погоде в подробных «пошаговых» статьях объясняется, как выполнять каждую технику, что проиллюстрировано высококачественными фотографиями и краткими описаниями некоторых из лучших моделистов в мире.
The Weathering Aircraft, your favorite publication focused on the techniques of painting and aging aircraft is proud to follow our twelfth issue by exploring the always popular subject of aircraft deployed to the harsh conditions of winter environments.
The machines used during the winter season are an excuse for modelers to depict a large number of distinctive weathering effects on their models. For this, we will use different techniques in order to represent worn paint, oxidation, wet areas, chipping, mud, grease and dirt accumulations, and the scars of operating from frozen airfields.
Our contributors will teach you how to handle a wide range of products to get the most realistic and eye-catching finishes with ease. We will focus especially on white camouflage patterns applied in a haphazard and temporary fashion. Onboard this issue you will find airplanes and helicopters used from WWII to the present day, each featuring strikingly attractive winter schemes.
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